Angelic Wings



5 amazing fantasy 3-part animated halos
named with Angel's name.

** Introducing the Angelic Halo from *Find the Fish* **


Experience the ethereal beauty of our new *Find the Fish* Angel Halo. Inspired by the celestial order of angels and virtues, this exquisite halo features three layers that gracefully swirl around you.


Each pack includes an 8-color change HUD, allowing you to customize your halo to match any outfit or mood. With countless color combinations, you'll always look heavenly!

HUD includes 8 colors for upper and down feathers.


Perfect item for Fantasy styling!

ADARIEL, Archangel of Unity

Adariel, the Archangel of Unity, was a celestial being of ethereal light. His form, a radiant symphony of colors, shimmered with the divine essence of harmony. His eyes, pools of infinite wisdom, reflected the interconnectedness of all creation.

Adariel's task was to maintain the delicate balance between the forces of chaos and order. He traveled across the cosmos, mending rifts, soothing discord, and fostering unity among beings of all kinds. His presence was a beacon of hope, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, harmony could prevail.

One day, a particularly virulent dispute threatened to tear a community apart. The opposing factions were entrenched in their positions, their anger and resentment fueling the conflict. Adariel, sensing the impending catastrophe, descended to the heart of the disagreement. With his divine wisdom, he quickly identified the root cause of the conflict and offered a solution that would benefit all parties involved.

Adariel's faithful Angel companions, skilled in the art of mediation, invoked their resonance to strip away the emotional barriers that were preventing honest communication. As the participants opened their hearts, they began to see the other side's perspective and the value of compromise. Under Adriel's guidance, the community was able to reconcile their differences and forge a new path toward unity.

HADRANIEL, Angel of Love

Hadraniel, the Angel of Eternal Love, was a celestial being of exquisite beauty. Her form, a radiant symphony of pink hues, shimmered with the divine essence of affection. In her eyes, you see only the light of infinite compassion, reflected in the eternal bond of true love.

Hadraniel's task was to guide the souls of eternal companions, those destined to find each other across lifetimes. She traveled the cosmos, watching over their journeys, ensuring that their paths would cross at the appointed time. Her presence was a comforting balm, a reminder that true love was a timeless force that transcended the boundaries of space and time.

In one of her encounters, she saw a pair of souls, separated by countless lifetimes, struggling to find their way back to each other. Lost in the labyrinth of existence, they were filled with doubt and despair. Hadraniel, sensing their plight, descended to their aid. With her divine guidance, she illuminated their path, revealing the hidden threads of their eternal bond. She showed them that their love was a beacon in the darkness, a testament to the enduring power of affection.

NATHANIEL, Angel of (ceremonial) Fire

Nathaniel, the Angel of Ceremonial Fire, was a celestial being of radiant warmth. His form, a shimmering symphony of orange and red hues, glowed with the divine essence of purification. His fiery eyes, there are gentle fires of infinite wisdom, reflected the transformative power of fire.

Nathaniel's task was to oversee the sacred rituals and ceremonies that involved fire. He watched over the hearth, the altar, and the forge, ensuring that the flames were used with reverence and respect. To preside over ceremonies of transformation and renewal. He traveled the cosmos, attending rituals of birth, marriage, and death. 

His presence was a comforting balm, a reminder that change was a natural part of the cycle of life. With his divine flame, he purified the soul, illuminating the path to spiritual growth. He guided the priests and mystics, ensuring that the flames were used with reverence and respect. His presence was a comforting beacon, a reminder that fire when harnessed with intention, could be a tool of transformation and spiritual growth.

RAPHAEL, Angel of Healing

Raphael, the Angel of Healing, was a celestial being of radiant purple light. His form, a shimmering symphony of healing hues, pulsed with the divine essence of restoration. His eyes, the deepest depths of infinite compassion, reflected the transformative power of healing.

Raphael's task is to oversee the healing of both body and soul. He guided the earth healers, ensuring that they used their gifts with compassion and wisdom. His presence was a comforting balm, a reminder that healing was a sacred act that could restore balance and harmony to the world, a reminder that healing was a sacred journey that could be achieved through love, patience, and faith.

One day, a young healer, filled with doubt and uncertainty, was struggling to help a patient with a mysterious illness. The patient's condition seemed to defy all known treatments. Raphael, sensing the healer's distress, descended to their aid. With his divine guidance, he revealed the underlying cause of the illness, offering the healer a unique approach to treatment. The healer, inspired by Raphael's wisdom, applied the new technique with faith and hope. With his divine guidance, he revealed the root cause of the illness and provided the healer with the knowledge and tools needed for a successful recovery. Under Raphael's watchful eye, the healer's hands became instruments of healing, and the patient's health began to improve day by day till the patient was fully healed without any complications.

URIEL, Angel of Light

Uriel, the Angel of Light, was a celestial being of radiant purity. His form, a shimmering symphony of golden hues, pulsed with the divine essence of illumination. His eyes, pools of infinite hope, reflected the transformative power of faith.

Uriel's task is to combat the darkness that clouded the hearts and minds of humanity. He fought against doubt, fear, and despair, guiding lost souls back to the light. His presence was a beacon of hope, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, faith could dispel the shadows and reveal always the true path.

One day, a young woman, overwhelmed by the weight of her sorrows, was consumed by despair. She felt lost and alone, believing that her prayers were unheard. Overwhelmed by grief and despair, she was contemplating giving up on life. Uriel, sensing her plight, descended to her aid. With his divine light, he dispelled the darkness that surrounded her, revealing the beauty and purpose of her existence. He showed her that her silent prayers were heard and that she was loved and valued beyond measure.

Inspired by Uriel's words, the woman emerged from the darkness, her heart filled with renewed hope and a newfound sense of purpose. With his divine light, he dispelled the darkness that surrounded her, revealing the beauty of her soul. He showed her that her prayers were heard and that her faith was a powerful force that could guide her through the darkest of times.


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