Find the Fish Presents

The Zodiac Collection

Embrace your destiny with the stunning Zodiac Collection from *Find the Fish* 
in collaboration with ~Tara~ & *Arkona*

This celestial collection features two dazzling packs that let you express your cosmic connection in Second Life. 

New release for SL21B Shop&Hop at Zinnia location

Align Your Aura with *Find the Fish*

Embrace Your Sign: Adorn your collarbones with a stunning black zodiac tattoo representing your astrological sign. Want to personalize it further? No problem! A tintable version is also included, allowing you to match your unique style.

Shine Your Light: Ascend to new heights with a mesmerizing halo. This celestial accessory features a rotating constellation design for your chosen zodiac sign. Activated with a simple click, the halo seamlessly transitions between stop and move animations, adding a touch of dynamic flair.

 Choose yours from all the 12 signs.


FIND THE FISH Zodiac and Element body tattoos, Zodiac Halo

TARA Sirius handbag
SLAVIA Eclipse jewelry set (nacklace, earrings)


FIND THE FISH Zodiac and Element body tattoos, Zodiac Halo
TARA Chinese handbag "Fortune"
SLAVIA Sigourney tiara
Embrace the *Find the Fish*

New GIFT for SL21B Shop&Hop at Zinnia location

Channel Nature's Power: Express your connection to the natural world with a beautiful chest tattoo inspired by the four elements: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. Each element boasts its own distinct design, available in four BOM layer options. Feeling adventurous? A bonus tintable layer grants you ultimate customization freedom.

 Both packs are lovingly crafted with BOM layers for enhanced compatibility. 

Find the Fish's Zodiac Collection lets you celebrate your celestial destiny in style!  

I left verything behind to see a new sunrise with you. These roses are witnesses of my promise.


FIND THE FISH Element tattoo (Fire)

JADED THREADS Art, White Wedding set

 How Do Elements Affect Zodiac Signs?

The elements profoundly influence the characteristics of each zodiac sign, shaping personalities, motivations, and life approaches. 

For example, Earth signs, grounded and practical, focus on stability and tangible achievements. Air element signs, driven by intellect and communication, excel in social interactions and abstract thinking. Fire element signs, bursting with energy and passion, are known for their boldness and enthusiasm. Water signs, deeply intuitive and emotional, navigate life with a strong sense of empathy and emotional depth. 

These elemental traits also affect how different signs interact, complement, or challenge each other in relationships and life endeavors.


Fire Signs: Passionate Powerhouses

Fire signs are the life of the party – charismatic, energetic, and bursting with enthusiasm. They're natural leaders who inspire others with their infectious passion and zest for life. Fueled by their fiery element, they approach everything with boldness, creativity, and a sense of adventure.

Burning Bright

Fire signs light up a room with their presence. Their passion is undeniable, and they throw themselves wholeheartedly into everything they do. This can be incredibly inspiring, but it can also have its drawbacks. Just like a fire, they can sometimes burn hot and fast, prone to outbursts of anger or impatience. However, fire signs are also known for their quick forgiveness and ability to move on.

Born Leaders

Fire signs possess a natural charisma that makes them natural leaders. Their confidence and enthusiasm inspire others to step outside their comfort zones and reach for their full potential. Whether pursuing their own dreams or rallying a team towards a common goal, fire signs bring a contagious energy that motivates those around them. 


Water Signs: The Depths of Emotion

Water signs are a wellspring of emotions and intuition. They possess an uncanny ability to understand others, making them confidantes and pillars of support for their loved ones. Their gentle, calming energy draws people in, fostering deep and meaningful conversations.

The Ebb and Flow

Like the ocean, water signs can be both serene and powerful. Their sensitivity allows them to connect with others on a profound level, but it can also make them susceptible to emotional overload. During these times, they may retreat and recharge, appearing mysterious or withdrawn.

A Wellspring of Empathy

Water signs are known for their deep empathy and compassion. They intuitively understand the emotions of others and offer unwavering support. This ability to connect fosters strong, lasting relationships.



Air Signs: Masters of the Mind and the Mingle

Air signs are the social butterflies of the zodiac, known for their wit, free spirits, and love of conversation. They're master communicators, always brimming with new ideas and thoughts. Air signs can have their heads in the clouds sometimes, but their intellectual curiosity fuels their endless fascination with the world.

Brisk Breezes and Brainstorms

Like a refreshing breeze, air signs bring a stimulating energy to any conversation. Their quick minds and sharp wit make them natural debaters and philosophers, always eager to explore new ideas. However, their focus on the intellectual can sometimes lead them to overlook the emotional side of things.

Connecting Through Conversation

Air signs excel at forging connections through communication. They love to socialize, debate, and learn from others. Their ability to articulate their thoughts and listen attentively makes them invaluable friends and collaborators. Air signs bring a breath of fresh air to any interaction, constantly sparking innovation and intellectual growth.



Earth Signs: The Bedrock of Stability

Earth signs are the grounded force of the zodiac. Like the earth itself, they provide a sense of stability and security for those around them. Practical and realistic, they approach life with a steady hand and a clear head. While their down-to-earth nature can sometimes appear stubborn, it also makes them incredibly reliable and loyal friends. When faced with challenges, earth signs are the ones you can count on to see things through, offering unwavering support for their loved ones.

Building Strong Foundations

Earth signs value practicality and a strong work ethic. They excel at tasks that require patience, meticulousness, and a focus on the tangible world. However, their focus on the practical can sometimes lead them to overlook the emotional side of things.

A Loyal and Grounding Presence

Earth signs bring a sense of calm and stability to any relationship. They value loyalty and commitment, forming deep and enduring bonds with their loved ones. While they might not always express their emotions openly, their unwavering support and dedication speak volumes.

FIND THE FISH mainstore






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