Walking on the Rainbows

  🌈 Walking on the Rainbows  🌈

Tara skipped down the rain-washed street, her heart as light as the fluffy clouds scudding overhead. The storm had just passed, leaving behind a world sparkling clean and a sky splashed with a vibrant rainbow. Dressed in the whimsical "Tilly Dress" from POET's HEART, a swirl of soft yellow that mimicked the sunshine peeking through the clouds, she twirled, the skirt swirling around her like a buttercup in a summer breeze.

Atop her head perched the charming "Carol Hat" from the same collection, its brim adorned with tiny porcelain flowers in every color of the rainbow. A touch whimsical, a touch vintage, it framed her smile perfectly as she gazed upwards. On her hand, a red Mandala bag from her "~TARA~" brand shimmered, its intricate design echoing the one on the book clutched in her lovely bag. It was a new poetry collection, promising verses filled with vibrant emotions, just like the day itself.

Sunlight glinted off the delicate silver jewelry adorning her wrists and ears, courtesy of "SLAVIA." Each piece held a tiny charm – a shooting star, a crescent moon, a blooming rose. As she walked, they tinkled softly, a melody woven into the symphony of the raindrops still clinging to the leaves. And on her arms and legs, a touch of magic – the "Celestial Ribbons" from the "RAINNN" brand. These weren't just ribbons; they were whispered wishes woven into shimmering threads. With every step, they shimmered with an otherworldly light, a reminder that even on ordinary days, a little magic could be found.

Suddenly, a glint of gold caught her eye. Nestled amongst the rain-soaked petals of a rose, a heart-shaped cookie lay hidden. Smiling, Tara scooped it up, the sweet aroma filling her senses. It was a perfect ending to a perfect afternoon, a little taste of happiness amidst the vibrant tapestry of the world, a reminder to always walk on the rainbows, no matter how small.

 🌈 CREDITS 🌈 ☔

Tilly Dress and Carol Hat

Mandala with a book in red

Bracelet "Alexandra",  Necklace "Love", sunglasses "Meghan"

Ms. Baggins pose set

Celestial Ribbons for arms and legs


Mountain view

Single Heart cookie  


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